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RJL Classes and Interfaces

Why do we want interfaces in programming languages? An interface can be a usefull place to document a contract. From an FCA perspective interfaces occur whenever two classes share a protocol. However one doesn't want to document each of these because there are way to many.

Lets consider a simple interface, IEnum.

  interface 'a Enumerable
    // this method takes an implicit block as an argument
    def each() [implicit_block]

  interface 'a Indexable
    # retrieve the i'th element
    def [](a: Int): 'a
    def []=(a: Int, value: 'a)

  module 'a Enumerator
    extends: 'a Enumerable

    def first
      // note the use of a non local return
      each { x | return x }

Defined are two interfaces. Immediately one wonders whether the implicit_block should be typed, and how it is that blocks are typed. See the section on block typing for a discussion.

A module is a mixin that can be used to extend the functionality of class. What is the distinction between :extends, and :includes. With extends the child class overrides the parent class, with includes the included module overrides the child class.

RJL Block Typing