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RJL To Machine Code

Consider the following generic function.

  def sum(range : 'a Iterable, func: 'a -> 'b Sumable, x: 'b = 0.0): 'b
    range.each { y | x += func(y) }
    return x

  result = sum 1..n, { x | x * x }

First lets consider that the function can be unrolled because the method sum does not involve a virtual dispatch.

  x = 0.0
  (1..n).each { y | x += y * y }
  result = x

Now since the type of 1..n is exactly known we can infer the each method, but what is its definition.

  def each block
    i = start
    while i <= end do
      i += 1

But the block is known and can be unrolled also.

  def each block
    i = start
    while i <= end do
      x += i * i
      i += 1

But x needs to be passed into the function, this could be done potentially by an enclosing scope reference.

  def each block, enclosing_scope
    i = self.start
    while i <= self.end do
      enclosing_scope.x += i * i
      i += 1

Now inline this code back in the original and we get the following.

  x = 0.0
  r = alloc Range
  r.start = 1
  r.end = n
  i = start
  while i <= r.end do
    enclosing_scope.x += i * i
    i += 1
  result = enclosing_scope.x

There is a problem though. The optimiser must choose when to inline code and when not to inline code. Given a complex program the best parts to unroll might not always be clear. One option is to allow the user to give hints by adding inline attributes. Another is to inline any function that takes a block that is constructed at compile time. E.g. the following code would not be inlines because the block is not immediately available.

  class Button
    def process(event)
      case event.class
        when Click

          nil # ignore event

  button =
  button.on_click = { button | puts "Button Clicked." }

In this case the block being accessed is not passed to the function.

LLVM What can it do

I was quite supprised that LLVM was able to completely optimise the code that I entered. It unfolded the loop and calculated the result of the computation of the following code at compile times.

struct Range {
  int start;
  int end;

struct Env {
  int x;

void times(int x, struct Env *env) {
  env->x += x * x;

void each(struct Range *range,  void (*times_ptr)(int x, struct Env *env), struct Env *env)
  int i = range->start;
  while(i <= range->end) {
    (*times_ptr)(i, env);
    i += 1;

int main()
  struct Range r   = { 1, 10 };
  struct Env   env = { 0 };
  each(&r, ×, &env);
  return env.x;

Produced the following output.

; ModuleID = '/tmp/webcompile/_2829_0.bc'
target endian = little
target pointersize = 32
target triple = "i686-pc-linux-gnu"
deplibs = [ "c", "crtend" ]
	%struct.Env = type { int }
	%struct.Range = type { int, int }

implementation   ; Functions:

int %main() {
	call void %__main( )
	ret int 385

declare void %__main()

You can see that the result of the each function has been computed at compile time.